
A Family Christmas Concert, Chicago 2015

A Family Christmas Concert with John McDermott and Friends
Fourth Presbyterian Church
115 E. Delaware (Across from Four Seasons Hotel)
Chicago, Illinois
December 10th, 2015 – 7:00pm

Sponsored by  BMO

For tickets:

Eventbrite: or call
Angela Gerontakis or call 773.435.8374

For more info contact
Kylie Weller or call 312.265.0920 or
Angela Gerontakis or call 773.435.8374



A Safe Haven Foundation is a 501(c)3 not for profit, social enterprise that partners with public/private entities to help people aspire, transform and sustain their lives as they transition from homelessness to self-sufficiency with pride and purpose.  A Safe Haven provides the tools for each individual to overcome the root causes of homelessness through a holistic, scalable mode. A Safe Haven’s visible social and economic impact unites families, stabilizes neighborhoods, and creates vibrant, viable communities.

The 100 Club of Chicago is a non-profit organization that provides for the surviving spouses and children of law enforcement officers, firefighters and paramedics who lose their lives in the line of duty.  This includes all federal, state, county and local sworn personnel stationed in Cook County. Thousands of brave men and women risk their lives daily so that we can be safe and secure in our homes, workplaces and communities.  While money can never replace the loss of a loved one, funds can be extremely helpful in easing the financial burden associated with the tragic event. Beyond financial assistance, the 100 Club’s network of members and friends care deeply about the families’ sacrifices and offer many forms of appreciation and support.